leafy vibe

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This is for you toddler mama

This site is for mamas who want to raise healthy little eaters… plant-based,🌿vegan, or plant-curious.

It's for mamas who follow these lifestyles strictly or for mamas who are more laid back—no labels needed.

It's for mamas who are neither of the above but who are curious and want to learn more.

You are raising up the next generation.

If your child adopts a plant-based 🌿lifestyle (even imperfectly), everyone wins… your child, the animals, and the planet🌍.

This website is a place for you to learn, be encouraged, get support, and go out and change the world, one child at a time.

I'm Heidi...a mama of 4, a pediatric nurse, and a passionate plant-eater. I’m here to partner with you to help you bring up your healthy, happy, plant-based vegan babies and children.

Ask questions, share successes (and failures), and feel supported.

How can I help you? Send me a message.